Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Valentines day............

This valentines day Ruben and I decided to have some fun and eat at Olive Garden we hadn't been there in a while and it was amazing!!! We just wanted to have a valentines day to remember how much we love each other and how happy we are that we have one another and life has given us a second chance to share the rest of our lives with one another. So here are some fun pics of us just being us.... and yes we are at walmart.....haha

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Can it finally have happened........... I remembered to write on my blog

I haven't written on our blog in forever this year has been a crazy one. Ruben and I went to Guatemala for Christmas and it was amazing. We happened to have a car accident that made the last week hard and the reason why this blog doesn't have pictures. My camera memory card broke in the accident. We are just happy to be alive and given a second chance at life. We trully know that our Father in Heaven blessed us that day and blessed us to all be okay. Now we are living life to the fullest and are having a great year so far. We will post pics as soon as we can...........